This blog is about tadpole trikes and I pretty much try to stick to that. However, every once in awhile I come across something that impresses me and gets my attention. So without further ado I present to you the reader a delta trike. It is still a recumbent trike. It is a bit unusual which you shall soon see. Meet the COMFORIDER TRIKE.

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As you can readily see it is not a low rider. Here is what the manufacturer says about this trike on their WEBSITE:

Unlike any other existing model, this tricycle has several features that make it more versatile, more comfortable to drive, and incredibly easy to store and transport.

– Modular structure, variable configuration
– Spring suspended seat
– Leaning seat
– Car style steering
– Leg operated back pedaling brakes
– Folding for storage
– Disassembling for transportation

This trike can be set up in various configurations including a velomobile.

Comfortrider configurations

And there are various options available:

Comfortrider drawing

As stated this trike folds as well as disassembles for transporting and storage purposes. The first step is to remove the seat which is suspended on springs on the back side.

Comfortrider seat removed

Comfortrider folded

Comfortrider disassembled

The trike has a single rear driving wheel, back pedaling brakes and automotive style steering. Here are some images showing this:

drive system detail

back pedeal brake detail

back pedeal brake detail 2

steering detail

They have some videos of this trike available:

They even have a couple of motorized versions shown on their WEBSITE.

Comfortrider motorized

I assume that the engine is a 4 stroke and not 2 stroke, but they don’t specify. Here is an electric motor version:

Comfortrider electric motorized

You can check out some of their options HERE. And HERE you can check out a lot of details about the trike. Here are a couple of samples of what can be found on their detail page.

Comfortrider clamps

Comfortrider seat

The Comforider is not a tadpole trike. It is not a low rider. It is a recumbent. And it does look like it would be a comfortable ride. It may be somebody’s “cup of tea”. (For the benefit of those reading this who are not Americans and don’t understand what I just said the term “cup of tea” means “what someone likes or is interested in”.)

Author: Steve Newbauer

I have a few current blogs (tadpolerider1, navysight, truthtoponder and stevesmixedbag) so I am keeping busy. I hope you the reader will find these blogs interesting and enjoy your time here. Feel free to email me at tadpolerider2 at gmail dot com (


  1. A very nice presentation kindly shown thank you sir. Delta trikes with 2 wheels situated either side of the rider vs 1 directly under your spine deliver a much smoother ride. I have owned trikes from catlike, green speed, velotechnic (fs 26 model) and terra trike. Loved them all I must say. The delta I owned was an Anura from GS. Ride safe

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