Mr Bean has got quite a few laughs out of the little blue car that tips over so easily.

Every once in awhile the subject of tipping over on a tadpole trike comes up and there are always those who want to argue that a tadpole trike is quite stable and very hard to tip over. I say hogwash! Tadpole trikes are very easy to tip over. I don’t understand why they think otherwise. If three wheeled vehicles are so safe why are not more of them built? Why don’t we see race cars and other 3 wheeled competition vehicles? So I ask ya … when is the last time you saw a 3 wheeled vehicle in NASCAR racing? You might find one in some sort of clown event being used to get a laugh or two. Have you ever watched motorcycle sidecar racing?  The passenger has to keep repositioning himself hanging way over the outside to keep the motorcycle from tipping over. The sidecar is specially designed and built for the passenger  to hang on.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Why did Honda drop the 3 wheeled ATV and replace it with a 4 wheeled ATV? And why were there so many lawsuits against Honda over deaths and injuries involving 3 wheeled ATVs? The reason is simple and obvious … THEY TIP OVER!  They are not stable. They are not safe.

Yes, most of these 3 wheeled vehicles have the single wheel in the front like a Delta trike which we know tips over easier than a tadpole design with the single wheel in the rear. The same is true of cars. A tadpole design in cars is more stable than a Delta design. Never the less, they will tip over. Here is a tadpole style car showing the inside front wheel lifting off of the ground going around a corner and it was not going very fast nor did it suddenly turn causing this. The driver did not suddenly shift his weight causing it. It simply lifted the wheel.

I speak from experience … lots of experience. I have tipped over on my trike numerous times. It has mainly been while riding on uneven surfaces both on road and off road riding. I have tipped over sitting still. So when someone tells me that they have never tipped over on their trike I just accept it believing they lived a charmed life or don’t do much of anything on their trikes which so readily brings on these tip overs.

I am not trying to say that riding a tadpole trike is unsafe. If I believed that I would not be riding one. It is most important that you know and understand that tadpole trikes can tip over and learn to know their limits so you don’t end up a victim and receive injuries.

I will say this … I would love to have these outriggers on my trike to prevent it from tipping over easily.

Lastly my dad bought a 3 wheel walker which I never liked as it tips over easily. The whole idea of using a walker is to help keep someone from falling. 3 wheels are dangerous. Never buy a 3 wheeled walker. They are especially dangerous when used on uneven surfaces.

Hey, …


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It is even cuter than before and a lot of interest is being shown in it. It looks like a car but it is a human powered vehicle.  The developer thought they would have it in production by mid 2021 but it didn’t happen. They are working on it and are hopeful they will be able to make it available soon. They are starting out with a quad (4 wheels) and with or without e-motor pedal assist made to comply with European laws meaning only 250 watts pedal assist only (no hand throttle). Later they plan on making a 3 wheel version with a 500 watt motor and a hand throttle as well. As for me, I would want a quad not 3 wheels as a quad is more stable and practical. I wonder if one could get a quad with a 500 watt motor and hand throttle.


Their FAQ page provides quite a lot of information. They don’t know yet what the price will be. For sure it has increased considerably since I first wrote about the Podride over 6 years ago. Their FACEBOOK page is still available as well as their website.

Everywhere the Podride is shown it draws a crowd. I am sure it would be the same once they are being sold. Did I mention that they are such a cute little thing? I wonder how the  material will hold up over time? I wonder if the color will fade out?  I might even like having one.  If nothing else, it would be nice to have the protection it would offer from the weather elements. I wonder how it would do in high winds and gusts? It is not easy or inexpensive to bring such a product to market. I sure hope they make it and it becomes very successful. It is such a cute little thing. Did I mention that?


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It’s CHRISTMAS time again

Yes, it is that time of year and so I wish you all a very Merry CHRISTmas. Here is a video I put together a few years back which I may be offering each passing year as sort of a tradition.

Did you see anybody in the video you recognized?




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Tomorrow as I post this is December 25th. It is the day when most of the world pauses to one degree or another to acknowledge the fact that God came to earth in the form of a human Baby on a mission to provide a way for man to be saved from the consequences and penalty of his sin. Man can not save himself although many try. That Baby grew into a Man and completed the mission He was on. Unlike us He lived a perfect life free from sin. This was most important as He was to be the sacrifice offering for sin … the only offering acceptable to a holy God. You can read more about all of this in great detail HERE . Sadly the world (most of mankind) has rejected this salvation God offers to us. Doing so comes at a very high price as our eternal soul is at stake. God offers us this FREE GIFT of His salvation, but for all those who reject it and ignore it they forfeit the opportunity He offers to be forgiven of our sin and we then must pay the penalty and answer to Him in judgement. God is love and He demonstrated His love for all of us by dying a cruel agonizing death in our place. His love is AIMED AT YOUR HEART. He has done all that is needed and all that He can and will for us to be saved from our sin. The choice and decision is ours. Once we breathe our last breath it is too late to choose Him and receive His gift of salvation. Our fate is sealed. So I ask you … if you have never responded to His invitation … WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH JESUS? Someday your heart will be asking … WHAT WILL JESUS DO WITH ME? The answer to that question can be readily found in His written word … the holy scriptures. God is holy and can not allow sin in His presence. We as sinful people have a problem. Our eternal soul will spend all of eternity either with God (if the sin problem has been taken care of) or apart from God. Being apart from God means spending eternity suffering in anguish in hell fire. God has warned us. We are free morale agents. God created us with the ability to choose to do what we want. We have free will. We are not robots preprogrammed by God to do what He wants us to do. There would not be any expression of God’s love in that. Recognizing and responding to God’s love for us loving Him in return is the ultimate expression of love. It is not a matter of obeying God because we have to. It is all about obeying God because we want to … we want to please Him out of a motivation of our love in return. Yes, God demonstrated His great love for us while we were yet sinners … in the very act of sinning and rebelling against Him … Jesus Christ died for us. Therein is love!

I know there are those who will read this and get upset over it. There will be those who want to tell me it has no place here on a blog about tadpole trikes. But you know … none of that matters. There is not a more important message to communicate to others than this message. In obedience to God I am willing to ruffle a few feathers upsetting some. This timeless message may touch a few hearts and that is what matters. So on this Christmas Day I present the Christmas message. It is not about the many things man does at this time of year … putting up an evergreen tree and decorating it, giving gifts to one another, feasting together as family and friends or any number of the things man does during this holiday. The truth is most everything man does is based on paganism practices the Roman Catholic church brought into our culture. And no where in the holy scriptures are we commanded or instructed to observe the birth of Jesus Christ. And He wasn’t born in December anyway. With all of this being true it is important not to “throw the baby out with the bath water” so to speak. This Christmas holiday does exist in our culture so I for one intend to take advantage of it and proclaim the message of the Cross of Jesus Christ. The reason for the season is truly all about the fact that Jesus did come to earth to provide salvation. He came the first time as a helpless Baby. He will be returning soon … very soon … as the King of kings and Lord of lords. His word tells us that He is coming to pour out His wrath (His anger) on all of those who have rejected Him and the salvation He alone offers. Far better is it to accept and respond to His love now than to be the recipient of His anger later. We are without excuse if we fail to respond to His great love while it is being offered and is available to us. Time is short. Besides none of us know what a day may bring forth. Our last final breath could be seconds away. It is all a most serious matter. The greatest gift is not one placed under a tree. The greatest gift is the One Who was placed on a tree. His Name is Jesus. Merry Christmas to all!

Heaven or Hell … it really is your choice.

This song says it all …

Therefore, just as the Holy Spirit says, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS and thereby miss out on the salvation our loving God is offering you.



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It is not recumbent and it is not human powered, but it is a tadpole and it is rather old. 1911 and lookin’ good. It is said to have a 10 HP engine and two forward speeds and a reverse. It has chain drive to the rear wheel. All that is missing is the pedals. 
                                               1911 Kelsey Motorette Trike
 See the brass radiator behind the seat. and notice the hand crank on the right side.
keep on pedalin’



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When I bought my current hub motor I had to buy a free wheel sprocket assembly to use with it. I have put a lot of miles on it over the passing years. The teeth on the sprockets are still in fine shape, but the bearings and races are screaming at me to be replaced. It slips, grabs, locks up and sounds like a threshing machine when it acts up. It is worn out and badly in need or replacement. The problem is my 9 speed unit is no longer easy to find. I have been getting by continuing to use it thanks to taking it apart and oiling it well. But it really needs to be replaced. Finally I found one and ordered it. I am just hoping my current one won’t leave me stranded somewhere as I am continuing to take my daily rides.  My new unit is suppose to arrive about the middle of next week. I wish I could use a newer unit … a cassette instead of a free wheel, but alas it is not to be. And 9 speed is old tech and getting harder to find. And beggars can’t be chooses when it comes to selection. I would like to get an 11-36 tooth unit, but all that was available is an 11-32 which is what I have now. I had changed to an 11-36  rear cassette on my Catrike wheel to help with hill climbing but when I bought my e-motor all that was available was an 11-32. As time goes by it is getting bleaker. I am just glad I was able to find an 11-32. Hopefully it will last me quite some time helping me to …


I don’t know what I would be up against if it needs to be replaced again.

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UPDATE — I got the new free wheel installed today (12-17-21) and wow … what a difference. The brand new free wheel is like brand new!



Cleat position is something more and more riders are becoming aware of. It is believed by many that having the cleats positioned in the arch of the shoe is better than the ball of the shoe. It is said to help eliminate “hot spots” in the foot as well as other foot pain issues. Nearly all SPD shoes and sandals are manufactured with the cleats position further forward in the ball of the foot. I have read that there were a couple of shoe manufacturers that tried offering them in the arch area but they discontinued doing so because there was not enough interest in this reflected in their sales. So it comes down to DIY (do it yourself) or dealing with a fellow tadpole trike rider who offers this service to others. He has helped many recumbent trikers resolve their foot problems. Here is his contact information:

William (Bill) Barrere:
Email: wbarrere@gmail.com
Tel: 786-307-5986
He has a Facebook group page entitled RECUMBENT ONE.

There are various articles and resources for this subject:



There are many more but nearly everything I see has to do with regular bicycling and not recumbents even though my search was for recumbents.

Here is a link to the search results:


I have written articles about this before:




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Winter is not even officially here yet and already I am looking at how many days off Spring is. As of today, Dec. 6th, Spring is 103 days off. I am anxiously awaiting. I think I can safely say that the only two  things I like about winter is cold water out of the faucet and the grass stops growing so I don’t have to mow it. There is absolutely nothing else good I can say about it. Wait … there is one more thing … it kills off pesky insects.

I try to keep riding thruout the winter but I certainly don’t like it as far as dealing with wither weather. And the older I get the less I like it. Back when I was in my early 60s I could dress in shorts and a short sleeve shirt when it was in the 40s and it felt good. By the time I was in my late 60s the shorts were still ok but not the short sleeve shirt. Now that I am in my mid 70s there is no way I could dress like that and be comfortable. As I age things are changing and the changes are not welcome changes.

I used to hate dealing with hot summertime temperatures. At 80 degrees I was already miserable and anything above 80 was miserable for me. But now in my mid 70s I can handle the 80s okay. I am still miserable in the 90s however.

Anyway, I am ready for Spring weather … just 103 days away. 103 days … that is a very long time. One day at a time … that is the secret to getting thru it. Oh Lord help me … one day at a time. One hundred three days. I can do it! Meanwhile I am going to do my best to …


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Again fellow trike rider, David shares about various ‘add ons’ for trikes.


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Fellow trike rider, David shares his opinion of these cycling gloves which the manufacturer claims are good for temperatures between 32 and 50 degrees F.



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