The dictionary meaning of Memorial Day is “a US holiday on the last Monday in May honoring members of the military who died in war.”  Yes, they died in war defending our cherished freedoms. It used to be called Decoration Day. It is to be a time of remembrance. It is to be a time of thankfulness. It is to be a somber or sober occasion. Sadly it has become a day of celebration and jolly merriment for all too many Americans.

There is nothing wrong with getting together with family and/or friends over good food, but we need to remember those who made it possible … giving us our freedom to do so. Shame on any of us who fail to give honor to whom honor is due.

And definitely don’t say HAPPY Memorial Day. These gals are observing Memorial Day. Ask them if it is a happy time for them? They know firsthand the high cost of freedom.

BTW, Memorial Day is not a time to observe those who served in the military and are still alive. We have a holiday for that. It is called Veterans Day. Don’t get them confused.

Let us pray for peace, strength, blessing and encouragement for those who have lost loved ones while serving in the military.

Children growing up without their dad …



And to help us remember … I close with this video…

Author: Steve Newbauer

I have a few current blogs (tadpolerider1, navysight, truthtoponder and stevesmixedbag) so I am keeping busy. I hope you the reader will find these blogs interesting and enjoy your time here. Feel free to email me at tadpolerider2 at gmail dot com (

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