As with most any item one could name we have a choice of buying brand new or used. Tadpole trikes are no different in that regard. And as with many things there are pros and cons to both. Most products come with some sort of warranty, and again, tadpole trikes are no exception. Buying used, however, means that the purchaser won’t have a manufacturer warranty. As long as nothing major goes wrong that shouldn’t be much of a concern, but if something major were to go wrong like the frame breaking (and sometimes they do break) that would be an expensive out of pocket expense.

Prices for used trikes can be all over the place. Some people want top dollar (nearly new price) while others offer their trikes at a great price … a very good deal. I have seen trikes going at amazingly low prices. And many of the used trikes for sale are extremely low mileage and just like brand new. Sometimes the person selling the trike is a spouse or other family member who has the task of getting rid of the trike when something happens where the original owner/user no longer has need of it. Sometimes people selling under such circumstances don’t know (maybe don’t care about) the value and/or decide on a low price just to sell it quickly.

Another thing on the pro side of buying used is that the seller might have various accessories which they paid extra for which are included with the trike. The cost of accessories can add up quickly and surprise many people what they end up having invested in a trike. I bought my brand new 2009 Catrike Trail back in 2009, of course. The original list price was about $1750, but by the time I paid for the various accessories and upgrades I installed on it I had about $2500 in it.

Most sellers are probably pretty honest, but for sure if I were buying a used trike I would want to be very sure of what I am buying. I learned long ago in life not to just take the word of people. If you are not knowledgeable of tadpole trikes I would strongly suggest having the perspective used trike checked out by someone who is … preferably a skilled bike mechanic.

One word of caution … if you don’t know much about tadpole trikes be careful not to buy an “antique”, especially if it was a model that was not popular or safe. There are a few of them out there. As with anything it is a matter of “buyer beware” and you need to do your homework (research) learning about tadpole trikes if you don’t already know much about them. That is just common sense.

Nope, there is nothing wrong with buying new or buying used. Just be a wise shopper. And enjoy the trike. May we all …


Author: Steve Newbauer

I have a few current blogs (tadpolerider1, navysight, truthtoponder and stevesmixedbag) so I am keeping busy. I hope you the reader will find these blogs interesting and enjoy your time here. Feel free to email me at tadpolerider2 at gmail dot com (


  1. I’m in the process of purchasing a trike and would like to find a good used one but at least in the area I live in there just are not any. I’ve looked for some time now and have finally decided to buy new.

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